Monday, April 9, 2007


ShallowaterBettas-R-Us is happy to announce the start of a betta business in Shallowater, Texas. What started out as a hobby, quickly took over my home and life. I love raising bettas and have branched out to other items to offer as well. I also raise ghost shrimp, cherry shrimp, and apple snails...currently pink and purple. I also have java moss, riccia flutians, and duckweed for sale from time to time. These are wonderful plants for the aquariums. I have posted pictures of my current lovely male bettas and will update regularly as I have more. I will post pictures of our shrimp, snails and plants soon also. I hope to branch out to certain varieties of fancy guppies and goldfish/koi in the future. I just have to decide which varieties to begin with! So many to choose from! I will have bettas up for auction from time to time on and you can find me there as cheyannasouix. Come check us out when you can. Email me at for questions about stock availability or any other questions you may have.

Thanks for coming to look at my blog and have a great day!!!